Intoducing the new "supertac"
Supertac will do exactly the same job as Tungsten and although lighter and contains no tungsten you only need envelop a small shot within the Supertac to gain the extra weight when needed.
Supertac wraps round anything and you can adhere almost anything to it allowing you to camo leads or apply shot without the need to nip the shot closed which does sometimes compromise and weaken the hooklink.
Grips tight in cold water.
I personally have been using "supertac" to CAMMO my leads for the last 12 months and it does a fantastic job of allowing you to disguise any lead exactly to any fishing situation/venue.
Make sure surfaces are dry before applying.
100% Non-Toxic
100% Non Odourous
100% Reuseable and permanently effective time and time again and at less than a third of the cost of Tungsten Carbide it offers total value for money.
Common uses include
Bivvy repairs
Cammo applications
Tidying rigs.
Adding weights to feeders.
Add shot to rigs without kinking the line.
**Buy in complete confidence.
** The 40g is a fair amount of supertac and will last for ages and it's reuseable.